Hossein Azizi
Ph.D in Epidemiology
Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Personal Information:
Date of Birth:  Sep 21, 1986
Place of Birth: Miandoab
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: Married
Profiles in: 
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56641053500
Google Scholar
Postal Address: Tabriz, Vila shahr, phase 1, Baharan, , Block 78, P. O.
Box. 5168757165     Mobile: +989146085737
E. Mail Address: aziziepid@gmail.com 
MSc Thesis
Risk of colorectal cancer in type 2 diabetic patients
Well-skill in Methodology and recognize biases in medical studies, Data analysis with the statistical packages, Health System Research (HSR) and Disease Surveillance, Cancer epidemiology, Mental Health, and Interpreting results to provide solutions to existing problems.
PhD Thesis title
Development and validation of an online and simulated tool for assessment of health care providers' performance for malaria elimination through Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS);
Career/Job History
1-Epidemiology and Bio-statistics Advisor: Government University Hospitals, Research Vice-chancellor, Tabriz Medical University Hospitals 
2- Research Expert and Reviewer, Research Center of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Razi Psychiatric,  Hospital, Tabriz University of medical sciences    
3- Research Director: Malekan Health Network, Tabriz Uni Med Sci 
4- Technical Director: Malekan Health Network,  Tabriz Uni Med Sci                
5- Director of Center for Non-communicable Diseases Control: Malekan Health Network, Tabriz
Uni Med Sci 
 6- Excellent Health Expert in Health Centers of Miandoab Vice-Chancellor for Health, Urmia University of Medical Sciences.
Key Skills and Achievements
Study design and methodology
Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS(
Health Systems & Surveillance
Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Epidemiological Evidence in Health Systems
Meta-Analysis and Meta-regression
Case-control Studies
Malaria Elimination and Control
Journal Reviewer
Health Promotion Perspective (HPP)
Journal of Medical Virology
Women’s Mental Health
Red Crescent
BMC Public Health (suicide)
Journal of Suicide Prevention
Medical J Tab Uni Med Sci
Research Center of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Depiction of Health
Other journals
Paper Presented in National and International Congresses
1- Association between stressful life event and suicide risk- 9th Iranian Congress of Epidemiology -2019
2 . Metabolic syndrome and risk of colorectal cancer- 9th Iranian Congress of Epidemiology-2019
3- Stressful life events and risk of Colorectal cancer: a case-control study- 2nd International GI Cancer Congress- Olympic Hotel Tehran- 14-16 Oct 2015
  • نوشته شده
  • توسط مریم حسن خانی
  • ویرایش شده
  • توسط مریم حسن خانی
  • تعداد بازدید : 141