Mahdad Esmaeili
Date of Birth: May 20th 1983
Current Position: Assistant professor, Biomedical Engineering Department
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (September 5, 2017- now)
Contact Information:
Tel:+98914-1036-499 (WhatsApp and Telegram)

• PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Isfahan
University of medical Science, Isfahan, Iran. (GPA: 18.51 out of 20(
• M.Sc in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Isfahan
University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran, 2010. (GPA: 17.31 out of 20(
• B.SC. in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand
University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, 2006.
• High School Diploma in Mathematics and Physics, Seghatoleslam(Public exemplary
Schools), Tabriz,2001.

National Patents:
Patent No: 139750140003004978
Electrocardiogram interface design for transferring and storing ECG signals in the hospital
database(PACS) in HIS system
Sina Andarabi, Mehdi Samadi,Mahdad Esmaeili
Patent No: 139750140003004978
Smart glove cover device with voice command and the ability to disinfect gloves
Saeed Asghari, Hossein Najafzadeh, Mahdad Esmaeili

Teaching Experiences:
 Medical Image Processing: MSc course, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences
 Biomedical Signal Processing: MSc course, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences

 Pattern Recognition: MSc course, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of
Medical Sciences
 Elecronic I&II : BSc course, Azad University of Tabriz, Biomedical EngineeringDepartment.
Research Lines and Interested topics:
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, especially their applications in Healthcare, e.g.
Medical Image Diagnosis, AI-based Computer-aided Diagnosis.
• Programming: Python, Matlab, C, Pascal
• Electrical Eng. Softwares: Proteus, PSPICE.
• Mathematical Softwares: Matlab
• MPs and MCUs: 8051, AVR, FPGA

Honors and Certificates
 Ranked 2st in M.Sc. of Biomedical Engineering in Isfahan University of Medical Science.
 Best Paper Award for IEEE ICIP(International Conference on Image Processing)
Advising under-graduate students
Faculty affairs Committee member
Teaching in workshops

 Head of Bio-Medical Engineering (Bioelectric) Dept. Since 2019
 Head of the medical equipment working group Innovation and accelerator of health field
of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Since 2018
 Member of Technology Council of Tabriz University of Medical Scienc
  • نوشته شده
  • توسط مریم حسن خانی
  • ویرایش شده
  • توسط مریم حسن خانی
  • تعداد بازدید : 182